Labor Toolkit

Monitoring and Evaluation of Labor Programs



Spreadsheet for analysis of labor projects
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Labor program monitoring report
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Example terms of reference for impact evaluation
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Monitoring and evaluation performance measures for job-search assistance service
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 Additional Material

Birdsall, Nancy, and John Nellis. 2002. "Winners and Losers: Assessing the Distributional Impact of Privatization." Working Paper 6. Center for Global Development. World Bank, Washington, D.C.
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Chen, Yi, and Ishac Diwan. 2000. "When the Bureaucrats Move out of Business: A Cost-Benefit Assessment of Labor Retrenchment in China." Policy Research Working Paper 235. World Bank, Washington, D.C. (Sets out a methodology to estimate the costs and benefits of labor retrenchment in state-owned industrial enterprises in China.)
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Dar, Amit, and Indermit S. Gill. 1998. "Evaluating Retraining Programs in OECD Countries: Lessons Learned." The World Bank Research Observer 13(1):79-101. (Summarizes alternative evaluation techniques and also reviews the findings of evaluations of retraining in OECD countries.)
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Haltiwanger, John, and Manisha Singh. 1999. "Cross-Country Evidence on Public Sector Retrenchment." The World Bank Economic Review 13(1):67-88. (Reviews evaluations of 41 downsizing programs, some in state enterprises and some in the public sector as a whole.)
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Rama, Martin. 1997. "Efficient Public Sector Downsizing." Policy Research Working Paper 1840. World Bank, Washington, D.C. (Provides an overview of public sector downsizing, and comments on approaches to financial and economic cost-benefit analysis of downsizing.)
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Rama, Martin, and Donna MacIsaac. 1999. "Earnings and Welfare after Downsizing: Central Bank Employees in Ecuador." The World Bank Economic Review 13(1):89-116. (Describes an evaluation of the impact of downsizing in a stateowned bank.)
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Revenga, Ana, Michelle Riboud, and Hong Tan. 1994. "The Impact of Mexico's Retraining Program on Employment and Wages." The World Bank Economic Review 8(2):247-77. (Describes an impact evaluation of a retraining program for unemployed and displaced workers.)
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Ruppert, E. 1999. "The Algerian Retrenchment System: A Financial and Economic Evaluation." The World Bank Economic Review 13(1):155-83. (Summarizes an analysis of the retrenchment program in Algeria that combined both severance and unemployment benefits.)
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World Bank. 1996. "Designing Project Monitoring and Evaluation." Operations Evaluation Department, Lessons and Practices 8. Washington, D.C. (Available to download from

 Web Sites

International Institute for Labour Studies.
(Conducts and publishes research on labor markets and labor policies.)

World Bank Operations Evaluation Department:

  Other Material and Sources

Baker, J. L. 1999. Evaluating the Poverty Impact of Projects: A Handbook for Practitioners. Washington, D.C.: World Bank. (Outlines tools to evaluate project impacts, with extensive case studies of a wide range of evaluations.)

Galal, Ahmed, Leroy Jones, Pankaj Tandon, and Ingo Vogelsang. 1994. Welfare Consequences of Selling Public Enterprises. New York: Oxford University Press. (Main volume is out of print; summary volume is still available from World Bank Publications,

Grubb, W., and P. Ryan. 2000. The Roles of Evaluation for Vocational Education and Training. Geneva: International Labour Office. (Focuses on vocational training but provides an overview of evaluation techniques and methodologies.)

López-de-Silanes, Florencio. 1997. "Determinants of Privatization Prices." Quarterly Journal of Economics 62(4):965-1025. (Reviews the determinants of privatization prices using a data set of all Mexican privatizations in the period 1983-92.)

O'Leary, Christopher J. 1995. "Performance Indicators: A Management Tool for Active Labor Programmes in Hungary and Poland." International Labour Review 134(6):728-51. (Outlines potential performance indicators.)

O'Leary, C., A. Nesporova, and A. Samorodov. 2001. Manual on Evaluation of Labor Market Policies in Transition Economies. Geneva: International Labour Office. (Discusses various labor market programs in transition countries, evaluation methodology, and how to use the evaluation results.)

Schmid, G., J. O'Reilly, and K. Schomann. 1996. International Handbook of Labor Market Policy and Evaluation. Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Books. (Outlines the various methodological approaches adopted in evaluation research, presents cross-country evaluation findings, and presents insight into institutional frameworks and systems of monitoring and evaluation.)

Tansel, Aysit. 1996. "Workers Displaced Due to Privatization in Turkey: Before versus after Displacement." Paper presented at World Bank Conference on Public Sector Retrenchment and Efficient Compensation Schemes, November 6-7. Washington, D.C. (Illustrates a methodology for evaluating the impact on workers of a work force restructuring program.)

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How to Use the Toolkit

Labor Toolkit:
Framework and Overview

Labor Impacts of PPI

Assessing the Scope of Restructuring

Strategies and Options

Key Elements of a Labor Program

Engaging with Stakeholders

Monitoring and Evaluation


Assessing Financial Returns

Assessing Economic Returns

Evaluating Labor Market Programs

Monitoring of Labor Programs

Material and Sources



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