Labor Toolkit

Monitoring and Evaluation of Labor Programs


This section outlines the rationale for, and elements of, economic analysis of labor programs. The resources listed at the end of this module include several examples of economic analyses of work force restructuring in public enterprises.


As discussed above, the near-term financial benefit for government is sometimes the critical factor for cash-strapped ministries of finance faced with an urgent need for infrastructure enterprise reform. However, economic analysis is also needed for the following purposes:

Economic analysis provides a perspective that financial analysis alone cannot.

Labor productivity issues are central to an economic view of work force restructuring, which sees the process as a reallocation of resources within the economy. From an economic cost-benefit perspective, the cost of restructuring must be met by an increase in worker productivity following displacement. The effect of moving workers out of the PPI enterprise into other parts of the economy can lead to negative outcomes if overall labor productivity falls, neutral outcomes if overall labor productivity is unchanged, or positive outcomes if overall labor productivity rises. Much therefore depends on the assumptions regarding marginal productivity of the worker in the enterprise compared with the marginal productivity of his or her activities following retrenchment.

Economic vs. Financial Costs

Economic cost-benefit analysis is similar in approach to the discounted cash flow approach to financial analysis. As the spreadsheet sample on the accompanying CD-ROM shows, both financial and economic analysis can be combined in the same cost-benefit model. Financial costs and benefits are substituted by economic costs and benefits in the economic cost-benefit analysis.

Differences between economic and financial costs (summarized in table 7.4) are as follows:

Table 7.4: Economic vs. Financial Costs and Benefits
Item Cost and benefit items Include in
financial analysis?
Include in
economic analysis?
1 Financial costs of severance Yes Yes-adjusted
2 Financial costs of early retirement Yes Yes-adjusted
3 Financial costs of redeployment Yes Yes-adjusted
4 Marginal productivity of employees in the SOE No Yes
5 Financial savings on wages Yes No
6 Financial savings on nonwage benefits Yes No
7 Marginal productivity of worker outside the SOE No Yes
8 Marginal productivity value of labor savings No Yes
9 Increase in privatization proceeds from downsizing Yes/No No
10 Increase in privatization proceeds from faster PPI Yes/No No
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How to Use the Toolkit

Labor Toolkit:
Framework and Overview

Labor Impacts of PPI

Assessing the Scope of Restructuring

Strategies and Options

Key Elements of a Labor Program

Engaging with Stakeholders

Monitoring and Evaluation


Assessing Financial Returns

Assessing Economic Returns

Evaluating Labor Market Programs

Monitoring of Labor Programs

Material and Sources



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Case Studies


Additional Materials

Web Sites

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