Labor Toolkit

Case Studies of Labor Issues in PPI

Cruz, Wilfred. 2001.
"Addressing Labor Concerns during Privatization: Lessons from the Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System (MWSS), Manila, Philippines."
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Estache, Antonio, Jose Antonio Schmitt de Azevedo and Evelyn Sydenstricker. 2000.
"Labor Redundancy, Retraining, and Outplacement during Privatization: The Experience of Brazil's Federal Railway."
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López-Calva, Luis. 2001.
"Private Participation in Infrastructure and Labor Issues: The Privatization of Mexican Railroads."
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Ray, Pranabesh. 2001.
"HR Issues in Private Participation in Infrastructure: A Case Study of Orissa Power Reforms."
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Valdez, Jose. 2002.
"Case Studies on Human Resource Issues in Private Participation in Infrastructure in Bolivia."
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How to Use the Toolkit

Labor Toolkit:
Framework and Overview

Labor Impacts of PPI

Assessing the Scope of Restructuring

Strategies and Options

Key Elements of a Labor Program

Engaging with Stakeholders

Monitoring and Evaluation



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Case Studies


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