Tools > Key Issues

Key Issues


Role of PPP
Why is PPP relevant for developing countries? Module 1 -> Why PPP
What role should PPP play in a road sector development policy? Module 1 -> Application of PPP
What are the advantages and drawbacks of PPP? Module 1 -> Advantages of PPP
What is the historical background of PPP? Module 1 -> Historical context
What relevant examples exist of PPP application worldwide? Module 6 -> Case Studies
What lessons have been learned from existing PPP programs? Module 1 -> Lessons learned from existing PPP programs
Who are the key players in PPP? Module 1 -> Key players and roles
Enabling Framework for PPP
Why is an enabling environment conducive to PPP implementation? Module 1 -> Enabling PPPs
How can the PPP framework be adapted to the country context and its constraints? Module 1 -> Adapting PPP to the country context
What policy frameworks are conducive to successful PPP projects? Module 3 -> Facilitation of PPPs
Is a legislative framework necessary for PPP? Module 4 -> Approach -> Enabling framework for PPP
How should legal frameworks be assessed and adjusted? Module 4 -> Legislation
Relevant case studies Module 6 -> Case Studies -> Indonesia
Module 6 -> Case Studies -> India
Module 6 -> Case Studies -> UK
Competition Process
What is the impact of market capacity on PPP development? Module 1 -> Defining the partnership -> Drawbacks of PPP
How does the level of competition impact on PPP efficiency? Module 2 -> Scope -> Influence on Competition
How can government practice favor PPP development? Module 3 -> Facilitation of PPPs -> Good Governance
What are the advantages/disadvantages of a competitive bidding process? Module 4 -> Legislation ->Legislative Framework
What are the steps in public procurement for PPP projects? Module 5 -> Procurement
How should the issue of unsolicited proposals be approached? Module 4 -> Contracts -> Contract formation
How may unsolicited proposals be assessed? Module 5 -> Procurement -> Unsolicited Proposals
What is the role for economic regulation in PPPs? Module 3 -> PPP Policy Framework -> Legal and Regulatory
How is a Regulatory Framework set up? Module 4 -> Legislation -> Regulatory Framework
Government Support and Fiscal Policy
What forms of financial support may governments provide for PPP? Module 2 -> Revenues
What non-financial support measures are available to governments? Module 3 -> Facilitation of PPPs -> Financial Framework -> Financial/Fiscal Support, Incentives and Guarantees
Should financial support be used to attract private investment? Module 3 -> Facilitation of PPPs -> Financial Framework -> Payments and Revenue
When and how should the Public Sector Comparator be applied? Module 5 ->Identification priorization and selection -> Value for Money and the PSC
How does government financial support impact the financial evaluation? Module 5 -> Due Diligence and Feasibility Studies -> Financial Analysis
Should PPP costs be accounted off budget? Module 2 -> Public Accounting
Public Sector Reform
Why is political will essential for development of PPP? Module 1-> Enabling PPPs -> Enabling Environment for PPP
How to find public champions and set up a Project Steering Committee? Module 5 -> Advisors and Organization -> Organization
Why is public sector committment needed as part of an enabling environment for PPP? Module 1-> Enabling PPPs -> Diagnosis of Enabling Environment for PPP ->Public sector commitment
How to assess capacity of public sector for PPP? Module 1-> Enabling PPPs -> Diagnosis of Enabling Environment for PPP->Capable Public Sector
How to build capacity for PPP? Module 3 -> Facilitation of PPPs ->Capacity Building and Training
Risk Management
What are the main risks in a PPP? How should they be dealt with? Module 2 -> Risk
What are the components of a Risk Management Framework? Module 3 -> Facilitation of PPPs -> Risk Management Framework
How should risk management be integrated in feasibility studies? Module 5 -> Due Diligence and Feasibility Studies -> Risk Management
Types of PPP
What are the main types of PPP? Module 1 -> Defining the partnership -> Main types of PPP
How to select PPP options to best respond to policy objectives? Module 2 -> Tailoring appropriate PPPs
How does the nature of works affect the choice of the PPP option? Module 2 -> Scope -> Nature of Project
What are the most relevant contractual clauses for each type of PPP? Module 4 -> Contracts -> Contract Types
What PPP modality to choose during project preparation? Module 5: Implementation and Monitoring >Due Diligence and Feasibility Studies
What are the main steps for bidding concession contracts? Module 5 -> Procurement -> Concessions: Main steps in competitive bidding
Relevant case studies on concession projects Module 6 -> Case Studies -> Croatia
Module 6 -> Case Studies -> Hungary
Module 6 -> Case Studies -> South Africa
Module 6 -> Case Studies -> UK
What are the specific issues related to PBC and brownfield projects? Module 2 -> Scope -> Brownfield and PBC contracts
What are the main steps for bidding performance-based contracts? Module 5 -> Procurement -> Performance-based contracts: Main steps in competitive bidding
Relevant case studies on Performance-Based Contracts Module 6 -> Case Studies -> Zambia
Module 6 -> Case Studies -> Serbia
Marginal Projects
How can packaging be used to favor marginal projects? Module 2 -> Scope -> Packaging Projects
Why is economic and financial evaluation and the "viability gap" relevant? Module 3 -> Sector Planning and Strategy -> Planning Process
How can cross-subsidization be provided for in PPP contracts? Module 4 -> Contracts -> Contract Provisions -> Cross-Subsidization
Relevant case studies Module 6 -> Case Studies -> Zambia
Module 6 -> Case Studies -> France
Project Finance
What are the main sources of finance in a PPP project? Module 2 -> Finance
How can potential sources of revenue be mobilized? Module 3 -> Facilitation of PPPs -> Financial Framework
How should a financial analysis be conducted? Module 5 -> Due Diligence and Feasibility Studies -> Financial Analysis
Is there a tool for a preliminary financial simulation? Module 6 -> Financial Models
Toll revenues and Tariffs
Why should we be concerned about public acceptance of tolls? Module 1 -> PPP strategy -> Adapting PPP to the country context
What options are available to recover costs of PPP projects? Module 2 -> Revenues
How big a role should road user charges play in funding infrastructure? Module 2 -> Revenues -> Road pricing
How should tariffs be set and adjusted? Module 3 -> Facilitation of PPPs -> Financial Framework -> Payments and Revenue
How should tariffs and other revenue sources be included in the contract? Module 4 -> Contracts -> Contract Provisions -> Pricing Formula
How are the various revenue sources combined in the financial evaluation? Module 5 -> Due Diligence and Feasibility Studies -> Financial Analysis
Is there a tool to simulate tolls and other revenue sources in a financial evaluation? Module 6 -> Financial Models
Consultation & Private Sector Dialogue
Why is public consultation important? Module 3 -> Economic Development and Public Interest -> Public Participation and Consultation
How can private sector interest for PPP be tested, as well as their ability to assume risks? Module 5 -> Dialogue Process
Contract Renegotiation and Adaptation
What contractual responses are available for contract renegotiation and adaptation? Module 4 -> Contracts -> Contract renegotiation and adaptation
Why does renegotiation arise and how to deal with it? Module 5 -> Renegotiation and Amendments to PPP Contracts
Relevant case study Module 6 -> Case Studies -> Brazil
Evaluating Regulatory Systems Toolkit The handbook presents detailed, practical guidance on how to conduct quick, mid-level, and in-depth regulatory evaluations of existing national- and state- or province-level regulatory systems through structured case studies. The focus is on economic regulation of commercialized sector enterprises, whether publicly or privately owned.
Public-Private Dialogue Toolkit This toolkit provides guidance and practical tools to provide for effective public-private dialogue as part of a policy reform process. Dialogue between the public and the private sector, if well managed, can help to respond to the needs of existing businesses and the concerns of wary investors and counter interest groups who benefit from the status quo.
Concessions Toolkit This toolkit aims at helping policymakers and their advisors better understand some of the most important and difficult issues related to the design, award, implementation, monitoring, and financing of concessions.
Hiring and Managing Advisors Toolkit This toolkit guides governments in hiring and managing advisors, and provides useful insights on how they operate and what they can offer.
Labor Toolkit The Toolkit provides practical tools and information to help policymakers handle labor issues related to public sector reform for PPP. Guidance on conducting labor reforms is provided, starting with the initial concept design stage to monitoring of the reforms.
Last updated march 2009