Overview & Diagnosis > Key players and roles Role of PPP

Key players and roles

Each PPP is unique and involves public and private partners. International institutions often participate to enhance the project's economic and financial feasibility.

The main players in a PPP project are presented in this section under the following categories:

  • public sector
  • private sector
  • financial players
  • insurance and export credit agencies
  • international institutions

Organization charts are presented below for the three main categories of PPP project, which represent the increased number of players and complexity of roles as the public sector entrusts more tasks to the private sector. Contractual relationships are presented in Module 4 -> Contracts.

  • Maintenance contracts are for projects involving a simple structure in which a Contractor signs a contract with a government institution (the Contracting authority). This relates particularly to performance-based maintenance contracts.

  • Operations and maintenance concessions involve a more sophisticated organizational structure and sometimes require setting up a special purpose company run by the contractors to provide operation and maintenance services. These are also referred to as lease, franchise or affermage (brownfield) concessions.

  • BOT type concessions. This organization chart represents the typical structure for those PPP projects, notably BOT, DBFO, BOO type (greenfield), in which:
    • construction or major upgrading, operation and maintenance of the road are included in the scope of work 
    • private financing is mobilized in the form of project finance and, 
    • a special purpose company is set up for risk allocation and management purposes.

The State of the Market 2007 - Appendix: Main Industry Participants

PFI League Tables - Financials, 2008

PFI League Tables - Legal, 2008

Last updated march 2009