Labor Toolkit

Labor Toolkit: Framework and Overview


Background and Overview Articles

Betcherman, Gordon. 2002. "An Overview of Labor Markets World-wide: Key Trends and Major Policy Issues." Social Protection Discussion Paper 0205. Washington, D.C.: World Bank.
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Fretwell, David. 2002. "Mitigating the Social Impact of Privatization and Enterprise Restructuring." Working Paper, January 25, 2002, Human Development Sector Unit, Europe and Central Asia. Washington, D.C.: World Bank.
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Haltiwanger, John, and Manisha Singh. 1999. "Cross-Country Evidence on Public Sector Retrenchment." The World Bank Economic Review 13 (1): 67–88.
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Kikeri, Sunita. 1998. "Privatization and Labor: What Happens to Workers When Governments Divest?" World Bank Technical Paper 396. Washington, D.C.
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Rama, Martin. 1999. "Public Sector Downsizing: An Introduction." The World Bank Economic Review 13 (1): 1–22.
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World Bank. 2002. "Public Communications Programs for Privatization: A Toolkit for Task Team Leaders and Clients." Washington, D.C.
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PPIAF Case Studies of Labor Issues in PPI

(found on the PPIAF web site,

Cruz, Wilfred. 2001. "Addressing Labor Concerns during Privatization: Lessons from the Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System (MWSS), Manila, Philippines."
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López-Calva, Luis. 2001. "Private Participation in Infrastructure and Labor Issues: The Privatization of Mexican Railroads."
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Ray, Pranabesh. 2001. "HR Issues in Private Participation in Infrastructure: A Case Study of Orissa Power Reforms."
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Valdez, Jose. 2002. "Case Studies on Human Resource Issues in Private Participation in Infrastructure in Bolivia."
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  Web sites

PPIAF facility: (Site provides access to other PPIAF Toolkits, as well as information about PPIAF and about how governments and other agencies can access PPIAF resources to accelerate infrastructure development.)

Rapid response unit: (This site is a gateway to a range of information on infrastructure, privatization, and private sector development policies.)

World Bank "Shrinking Smartly": (Site is a clearinghouse for researchers, development practitioners, and government officials concerned about the difficulties encountered in downsizing a large public sector.)


Alderman, Harold, Sudharshan Canagarajah, and Stephen D. Younger. 1994. "Consequences of Permanent Layoff from the Civil Service: Results from a Survey of Retrenched Workers in Ghana." In David L. Lindauer and Barbara Nunberg, eds., Rehabilitating Government. Washington D.C.: World Bank.

Assaad, Ragui. 1997. "The Effects of Public Sector Hiring and Compensation Policies on the Egyptian Labor Market" The World Bank Economic Review 11 (1): 85-118.

Bales, Sarah, and Martin Rama. 2002. "Are Public Sector Workers Underpaid?" Working Paper 2747, Washington, D.C.: World Bank.

Belser, Patrick, and Martin Rama. 2001. "State Ownership and Labor Redundancy: Estimates Based on Enterprise-Level Data from Vietnam." Policy Research Paper 2599. Washington, D.C.: World Bank.
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Betcherman, Gordon. 2002. "An Overview of Labor Markets World-Wide: Key Trends and Major Policy Issues." Social Protection Discussion Paper 0205. Washington, D.C.: World Bank.
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Bhorat, Haroon, and Mei-Chi Liou. 2002. "Labour Consequences of SOE Restructuring in South Africa." Paper presented at the Second Annual Conference on Labour Markets and Poverty in South Africa, 22-24 October 2002, Johannesburg (Development Policy Research Unit, University of Cape Town/Friedrich Ebert Stiftung).

Chong, Alberto, and Martin Rama. 2000. "Do Separation Packages Need to Be That Generous? Simulations for Government Employees in Guinea- Bissau." Paper prepared for the Sub-Saharan Africa Region of the World Bank (AFTM5) supported by the Research Project on Efficient Public Sector Downsizing (RF-P036874). Washington, D.C.
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Cruz, Wilfrid. 2001. "Addressing Labor Concerns during Privatization: Lessons from the Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System (MWSS)", Manila, Philippines. PPIAF Case Study. Washington, D.C.: World Bank.
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Estache, Antonio, and José Carbajo. 1996. "Competing Private Ports-Lessons from Argentina. Public Policy for the Private Sector." Note 100. Washington, D.C.: World Bank.

Estache, Antonio, Jose Antonio Schmitt de Azevedo, and Evelyn Sydenstricker. 2000. "Labor Redundancy, Retraining, and Outplacement during Privatization: The Experience of Brazil's Federal Railway." Policy Research Working Paper WPS2460. Washington, D.C.: World Bank.
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Fiszbein, Ariel. 1992. "Labor Retrenchment and Redundancy Compensation in State Owned Enterprises: The Case of Sri Lanka." Internal Discussion Paper 121. South Asia Region, Washington, D.C.: World Bank.

Freije, Samuel. 2001. "Informal employment in Latin America and the Caribbean: Causes, Consequences and Policy Recommendations." Paper presented at Regional Consultation on Labor Issues, Panama City, 26-27 November 2001. República Bolivariana de Venezuela: Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Administracion (IESA).

Fretwell, David H. 2002. "Mitigating the Social Impact of Privatization and Enterprise Restructuring." Working Paper. January 25, 2002, Human Development Sector Unit, Europe and Central Asia. Washington, D.C.: World Bank.

Gregory, Peter. 1994. "Dealing with Redundancies in Government Employment in Ghana." In David L. Lindauer and Barbara Nunberg, eds., Rehabilitating Government. Washington D.C.: World Bank.

Guislain, Pierre. 1997. The Privatization Challenge: A Strategic, Legal, and Institutional Analysis of International Experience. Washington, D.C.: World Bank.

Haltiwanger, John, and Manisha Singh. 1999. "Cross-Country Evidence on Public Sector Retrenchment." The World Bank Economic Review 13 (1): 67-88.

Hess, Jolanta. 1997. Labor Issues Associated with State Enterprise Restructuring-Handbook. Unpublished Draft. Washington, D.C.: World Bank.

India, Disinvestment Commission. 1998. Eighth Report. Government of India, New Delhi.

Kikeri, Sunita. 1998. "Privatization and Labor: What Happens to Workers When Governments Divest?" Technical Paper 396. Washington, D.C.: World Bank.

López-Calva, Luis F. 2001. "Private Participation in Infrastructure and Labor Issues: The Privatization of Mexican Railroads." PPIAF Case Study. Washington, D.C.: World Bank.

López-de-Silanes, Florencio. 1997. "Determinants of Privatization Prices." Quarterly Journal of Economics CXII (4): 966-1025.

Martin, Brendan, and Marc Micould. 1997. "Structural Adjustment and Railways Privatization-World Bank policy and Government Practice in Ivory Coast and Ghana." A report jointly commissioned by the World Bank and the International Transport Workers Federation (ITF). London: Public World.

O'Leary, Christopher J. 1997. "A Net Impact Analysis of Active Labour Programmes in Hungary." Economics of Transition 5 (2): 453-84.

Orazem, Peter F., and Milan Vodopivec. 1996. "Male-Female Differences in Labor Market Outcomes during the Early Transition to Market: The Case of Estonia and Slovenia." Working Paper 2087. Washington, D.C.: World Bank.

Owen, John M., and Patricia J. Rogers. [AU: OK to make Patricia?]1999. Program Evaluation: Forms and Approaches. London: Sage Publications.

Panizza, Ugo. 1999. "Why Do Lazy People Make More Money? The Strange Case of the Public Sector Wage Premium." Working Paper 403. Washington, D.C.: Inter-American Development Bank.

Rama, Martin. 1999. "Public Sector Downsizing: An Introduction." The World Bank Economic Review 13 (1): 1-22.
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Ramamurti, Ravi. 1997. "Testing the Limits of Privatization: Argentine Railroads." World Development 25 (12): 1973-1993.

Ray, Pranabesh. 2001. "Human Resource Issues in Private Participation in Infrastructure: A Case Study of Orissa Power Reforms." Report Commissioned for the PPIAF. PPIAF Case Study. Washington, D.C.: World Bank.

Ruppert, Elizabeth. 1999. "The Algerian Retrenchment: A Case Study of Argentina." The World Bank Economic Review 13 (1): 155-83.
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Saghir, Jamal, and Robert Taylor. 1999. "Private Sector Participation in Water Supply and Sanitation Services." Presentation, Cairo, December 1999. World Bank and International Finance Corporation, Washington, D.C

Sauti-Phiri, Charles. 2002. "Privatisation in Malawi." Unpublished paper, Privatisation Commission, Blantyre.

Talley, Wayne K. 1999. "Ocean Container Shipping: Impacts of a Technological Improvement." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association, New York City, January.

Tawney, Clare, and Jacob Levitsky. 1997. "Small Enterprise Development as a Strategy for Reducing the Social Cost of Restructuring and Privatization." Working Paper IPPRED-6, Geneva: International Labour Organisation.

Terrell, Katherine. 1993. "Public-Private Wage Differentials in Haiti. Do Public Servants Earn a Rent?" Journal of Development Studies 42: 293-314.

Valdez, Jose A. 2002. "Dealing with Labor Issues in Rail Roads in Bolivia." PPIAF Case Study, Washington, D.C.: World Bank.
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World Bank. 2000. Port Reform Toolkit-Module 7: Port Labor Reform. Washington, D.C.
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——. 2001. Political Economy of Water Sector Reform, Volume 1. Summary of Regional Conference on the Reform of the Water Supply and Sanitation Sector in Africa. "Enhancing Public- Private Partnership in the Context of the Africa Vision for Water (2025)." Kampala, Uganda.

——. 2002. Public Communications Programs for Privatization Projects: A Toolkit for Task Team Leaders and Clients. Washington, D.C.

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How to Use the Toolkit

Labor Toolkit:
Framework and Overview



Defining objectives

Assessing the Size and Scope of Labor Restructuring

Developing Strategies and Options for Labor Restructuring

Developing Key Elements of a Labor Program

Managing the Restructuring Process

Monitoring and Evaluating Labor Programs

Integrating Labor Programs in the PPI Process: a Road Map

Material and Sources

Labor Impacts of PPI

Assessing the Scope of Restructuring

Strategies and Options

Key Elements of a Labor Program

Engaging with Stakeholders

Monitoring and Evaluation



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Case Studies


Additional Materials

Web Sites

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