Labor Toolkit

Labor Toolkit: Framework and Overview


Work force reduction is rarely an objective in and of itself. Rather, the objectives of labor restructuring are better defined in terms that focus on the developmental, economic, and social goals sought from PPI or from enterprise reforms more broadly. In cases where stakeholder opposition is high, it is particularly important to communicate these objectives. If the objectives are not credible, or are vague or poorly articulated, the implementing agency will have more difficulty securing the support and resources needed for labor adjustment.

One tool to help clarify objectives is to describe carefully the ultimate desired outcomes, and to use those as a basis for setting objectives. Possible outcomes are:

Outcomes may be short-term and urgent (for example, reducing operating costs), medium-term (improved services to consumers and business), or long-term (improved international competitiveness in the sector).

In addition to outcome objectives, governments will also have process objectives - that is, objectives dealing with how work force restructuring is to be done. Such objectives generally aim to ensure that:

These objectives provide a framework for discussion and debate within government about the tradeoffs that must be made in designing a labor program, and help identify and make midcourse corrections during implementation as needed.

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How to Use the Toolkit

Labor Toolkit:
Framework and Overview



Defining objectives

Assessing the Size and Scope of Labor Restructuring

Developing Strategies and Options for Labor Restructuring

Developing Key Elements of a Labor Program

Managing the Restructuring Process

Monitoring and Evaluating Labor Programs

Integrating Labor Programs in the PPI Process: a Road Map

Material and Sources

Labor Impacts of PPI

Assessing the Scope of Restructuring

Strategies and Options

Key Elements of a Labor Program

Engaging with Stakeholders

Monitoring and Evaluation



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Web Sites

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