Labor Toolkit

Key Elements of a Labor Program


Design and Implementation of Redeployment Programs


Job-Search Assistance


Employee Enterprise

Job Creation Initiatives

Material and Sources


Terms of reference for a redeployment survey
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Terms of reference: Turkey's Labor Assistance Group (privatization social support project)
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Job description for a labor redeployment manager Sample worker survey
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Sample questionnaire for counseled workers
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U.S. Department of Labor adjustment model
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Monitoring and evaluation performance measures for job search assistance services
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  Additional Material

Dar, Amit, and Indermit S. Gill. 1998. "Evaluating Retraining Programs in OECD Countries: Lessons Learned." The World Bank Research Observer 13(1)79-101.
Download as PDF document

Fretwell, David H. 2002. "Mitigating the Social Impact of Privatization and Enterprise Restructuring." Working Paper. World Bank, Human Development Sector Unit, Europe and Central Asia. Washington, D.C.
Download as Word document document

  Web Sites

Committee of Donors for Small Enterprise Development:
(The site provides access to guidelines on financial intermediaries and business development services for small enterprises.)

The European Database of Business Incubators:
(Site provides access to information on incubators in 28 European countries, case studies, benchmarking information, and a database of nearly 950 business incubators.)

International Labour Organisation's International Training Centre:
(For courses on enterprise development.)

International Labour Organisation's Small Enterprise Development:

National Business Incubator Association:
(This site provides information about the organization's publications on business incubation and about annual conferences. NBIA provides materials and experiences from developing as well as industrial countries.)

Polish Railway Retraining and Re-employment Agency:
(An example of an implementing agency for a labor program.)

(Site provides access to other PPIAF toolkits, as well as information about PPIAF and how governments and other agencies can access PPIAF resources to accelerate privatization.)

U.S. Agency for International Development microenterprise site:
(Site includes papers on the use of vouchers in the delivery of small business development services.)

Webcast presentation on the voucher program in Kenya's small business development plan:

World Bank Social Funds site:

World Bank:
(The site's search engine can be used to obtain the Bank's latest operational policies on involuntary resettlement.)

  Other Material and Sources

Committee of Donor Agencies for Small Enterprise Development. 2001. Guiding Principles for Business Development Services. Available at

Fay, Robert G. 1996. "Enhancing the Effectiveness of Active Labor Market Policies: Evidence from Program Evaluations in OECD Countries." Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Occasional Paper 18. Paris.

Hansen, Gary B. 2001. A Guide to Worker Displacement. Some Tools for Reducing the Impact on Workers, Communities and Enterprises. Geneva: International Labour Office.

Harper, Malcolm, and Gerry Finnegan. 1998. Value for Money? Impact of Small Enterprise Development. London: Intermediate Technology Publications.

IFC (International Finance Corporation). 2002. Handbook for Preparing a Resettlement Action Plan. Washington, D.C.

Lalkaka, Rustam. 1997. "Lessons from International Experience for the Promotion of Business Incubation Systems in Emerging Economies." Available at

Ledgerwood, Joann. 1998. Microfinance Handbook: An Institutional and Financial Perspective. Washington, D.C.: World Bank.

NBIA (National Business Incubator Association.) 1995. A Comprehensive Guide to Business Incubation. Athens, Ohio.

O'Leary, Christopher J. 1995. "Performance Indicators: A Management Tool for Active Labour Programmes in Hungary and Poland." International Labour Review 134(6):729-51.

Robinson, Marguerite. 2001. The Microfinance Revolution: Sustainable Finance for the Poor. Washington, D.C.: World Bank.

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How to Use the Toolkit

Labor Toolkit:
Framework and Overview

Labor Impacts of PPI

Assessing the Scope of Restructuring

Strategies and Options

Key Elements of a Labor Program


Pensions and PPI

Redeployment Support

Employee Share Ownership

Engaging with Stakeholders

Monitoring and Evaluation



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Case Studies


Additional Materials

Web Sites

Quick Cost Calculator