Labor Toolkit

Key Elements of a Labor Program


Compensation Packages for Redundant Workers

Shares as an Incentive or Reward

Employee Share Ownership Plans

Material and Sources

Additional Material

Cruz, Wilfred. 2001. "Addressing Labor Concerns during Privatization: Lessons from the Metropolitan Waterworks and Sewerage System (MWSS), Manila, Philippines." PPIAF case study. World Bank, Washington, D.C.
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Gates, Jeffrey R., and Jamal Saghir. 1995. "Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPS): Objectives, Design Options and International Experience." World Bank CES Discussion Paper Series 112. Washington, D.C.
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Ray, Pranabesh. 2001. "HR Issues in Private Participation in Infrastructure: A Case Study of Orissa." PPIAF case study. World Bank, Washington, D.C.
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Valdez, Jose. 2002. "Case Studies on Human Resource Issues in Private Participation in Infrastructure in Bolivia." PPIAF case study. World Bank, Washington, D.C.
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 Web Sites

Capital Ownership Group:
(This is the site of a think tank on ownership issues funded by the Ford Foundation.)

European Industrial Relations Observatory Online:
(This site monitors various aspects of labor relations in Europe, including information on share ownership.)

National Center for Employee Ownership:

Ohio Employee Ownership Center:
(This center, based at a university in the United States, has an international program.)

Rapid Response:
(This site is a gateway to a range of information on infrastructure, privatization, and private sector development policies.)

William Megginson.
(This home page for Professor Megginson has a number of papers on privatization to download, as well as databases giving information on shares offered to employees in initial privatization public offerings, and longitudinal measures of share ownership in privatized enterprises worldwide.)

 Other Material and Sources

Binns, David. No date. "Privatization through Employee Ownership: Learned From the International Experience." Available at

Brzica, Dane. No date. "Privatization in Slovakia: The Role of Employee and Management Participation." International Labour Organisation Working Paper IPPRED-12. Geneva. Available at

Cliento, Marco. 1998. Practice and Models of Financial Participation of Employees in the Companies of Europe: A Comparative Analysis. Rome: Institute of the Study of Innovation and Changes in Production Processes and Labour (SINDNOVA).

Degeorge, Francois, Dirk Jenter, Alberto Moel, and Peter Tufano. 2000. "Selling Company Shares to Reluctant Employees: France Telecom's Experience." Working Paper 7683. Cambridge, Mass.: National Bureau of Economic Research. Available at

Jones, Steven L., William L. Megginson, Robert C. Nash, and Jeffrey M. Netter. 1999. "Share Issue Privatization as Financial Means to Political and Economic Ends." Journal of Financial Economics 53(2):217-53.

May, Karen. 1998. "Conversion to Worker-Owned or Cooperative Businesses through Privatization: International Experience and the Case of Puerto Rico." Available at

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How to Use the Toolkit

Labor Toolkit:
Framework and Overview

Labor Impacts of PPI

Assessing the Scope of Restructuring

Strategies and Options

Key Elements of a Labor Program


Pensions and PPI

Redeployment Support

Employee Share Ownership

Engaging with Stakeholders

Monitoring and Evaluation



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Case Studies


Additional Materials

Web Sites

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