Labor Toolkit

Strategies and Options



Terms of reference for a legal review
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Labor law checklist and notes
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Note on employee share ownership programs in PPI.
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  Additional Material

Clarke, George. 2001. "Thirsting for Efficiency." Paper presented at the Regional Conference on the Reform of the Water Supply and Sanitation Sector in Africa, "Enhancing Public-Private Partnership in the Context of the Africa Vision for Water (2025)." Kampala, Uganda.
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Estache, Antonio, Jose Antonio Schmitt de Azevedo, and Evelyn Sydenstricker. 2000. "Labor Redundancy, Retraining, and Outplacement during Privatization: The Experience of Brazil's Federal Railway." Policy Research Working Paper WPS2460. World Bank, Washington, D.C
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Rama, Martin. 1999. Public Sector Downsizing: An Introduction. The World Bank Economic Review 13(1):1-22.
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  Web Sites

ILO. 2000. "Termination of Employment Digest." Geneva: International Labour Office. (Available for download from the ILO web site: For a summary of national laws on statutory termination, see the following area on the ILO Web site:


ILO ILOLEX: (Site provides access to ILO conventions.)

ILO NATLEX: (Site provides access to 55,000 national laws on labor.)

World Bank "Shrinking Smartly": (Site is a clearinghouse for researchers, development practitioners, and government officials concerned about the difficulties encountered in downsizing a large public sector. Several papers on downsizing strategies are available for download.)

PPIAF: (Site features other PPIAF resources and Toolkits.)

Rapid Response:

World Bank Social Protection: (This site provides access to the online version of the World Bank Core Labor Standards Toolkit, labor markets pages.)

  Other Material and Sources

Aeberhard, Jane Hodges. 2001. "Comparative Study of Contents of Civil Service Statutes." International Labour Office, Geneva. (Provides a commentary on different approaches to labor issues in civil service statutes worldwide, including termination of employment. Available for downloading at

National Performance Review. 1997. Serving the American Public: Best Practices in Downsizing. Washington, D.C. (This publication summarizes findings of a benchmarking study on best practices in downsizing in North American public and private sector institutions. See

OECD Guidelines for Multinationals Enterprises: Global Instruments for Corporate Responsibility. 2001 edition (see The OECD guidelines for multinational enterprises are recommendations on responsible business conduct addressed by governments to multinational enterprises operating in or from the countries that adhere to the Guidelines (the OECD members plus Argentina, Brazil, and Chile). The chapter on employment and industrial relations is one of the most detailed and comprehensive of the instrument, and deals with:

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How to Use the Toolkit

Labor Toolkit:
Framework and Overview

Labor Impacts of PPI

Assessing the Scope of Restructuring

Strategies and Options

Restructuring - Who Should do it?

Menu of Options

Sequencing of Options

Soft Options

Workplace Restructuring

Retirement and Redundancy

Key Considerations in Developing Strategies and Options

Strategies-a Decision Tree

Material and Sources

Key Elements of a Labor Program

Engaging with Stakeholders

Monitoring and Evaluation



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Case Studies


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