Developing country governments are increasingly realizing the benefit of involving the private sector in managing and financing of airports to improve service provision. Long-term concessions to private corporations to oversee all or part of the airport's operations are the predominant model today, with governments often taking less risk and a minority shareholding in the venture.

Air transport infrastructure is significant to development. Airports “aviation infrastructure” comprise an essential component of a nation’s infrastructure needs by providing domestic and international links vital to economic development through flows of human capital, commerce and tourism. The development of new tourism markets and enlarging high value added domestic markets via international linkages are especially dependent on the existence of efficient and effective aviation infrastructure.

PPIAF has been helping governments design policies, identify options on how to involve the private sector, address regulatory issues, and manage concessions. PPIAF has also provided funding to produce and disseminate best practices through workshops and publications. Below are some examples of PPIAF support in the airport sector over the last few years.

Key sector resources

Mustafa Zakir Hussain, Editor | World Bank Group (WBG), PPIAF
O.P. Agarwal and Jose A. Gomez-Ibanez | PPIAF