Investment in Air Transport Infrastructure

Guidance for developing private participation
Published: 2010
Last Updated: 26 Sep 2024
Author:Mustafa Zakir Hussain, Editor

This paper discusses the development of appropriate private sector participation (PSP) to optimize the provision of air transport infrastructure (ATI). It is aimed primarily at government policy makers in low- and middle-income countries and their advisors. This paper answers a number of questions, including the following: When is it appropriate to allocate the responsibilities involved in ATI provision to private firms rather than continue to allocate them to governments and their agencies? If policy makers decide to vest certain responsibilities with private firms, what considerations are important during this allocation process? How is it best to achieve the transition, and what kinds of private firms should be involved?

Document TypeCo-Sponsored Publication, Tools & guidelines
SectorAirports & Ports, Transport
File TypePDF
ContributorsWorld Bank Group (WBG), PPIAF
