Power Sector Reform and Hydropower Development in Nepal

This program seeks to mitigate and remove the key barriers for power sector development in Nepal. The World Bank (WB) is also supporting the Government of Nepal (GoN) to execute Nepal Power Sector Reform and Sustainable Hydropower Development Project (PSRSHDP). This project consists of four main components including technical and analytical studies, policy dialog, safeguard compliance, and capacity-building activities to address challenges in the energy sector in a holistic and coherent manner to scale-up investments in the power sector including from the private sector: 

Component A: Preparation of Hydropower and Transmission Line Investment Projects (WB, GoN).
Component B: Studies and Preparation for Policy Recommendations and Sector Reform (WB, SAWI, PPIAF, GoN).
Component C: Safeguard Management for Power Facilities Development (SAWI).
Component D: Capacity Building (PPIAF).

Partnering with IDA credits and SAWI trust fund, PPIAF will contribute to the PSRSHDP execution, particularly to the preparation for regulatory and institutional reform in the power sector to improve the environment for private investment, by providing necessary support for five WB executed activities under Component B and D.

RegionSouth Asia