AFRICA: Options for private sector solutions for coastal infrastructure in West Africa

The objective of this activity is to support WAEMU - specifically the governments of Gambia, Guinea-Bissau and Ghana - in the identification of financing options, including PSP, for development infrastructures that will improve coastal resilience in West African coastal countries.

This activity will aim to find entry points and pre-feasibility study for the design of financing options such as an infrastructure fund, PPPs, management contract in different sector such as ports, NBS and plastics. This activity will provide preliminary studies that will support the preparation of the WACA RESIP2. Finally, solutions will not only focus on the three countries of the RESIP 2 : Ghana, Gambia and Guinea Bissau but will also strengthen the capacity of WAEMU on assisting other countries in the region on these thematic including those of WACA RESIP1: Mauritania, Senegal, Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Togo, Benin and Sao Tome & Principe.

The activity seeks to deepen the ongoing engagement with the public and private sector on the solutions to address environmental degradation in coastal areas in West Africa, capitalizing on the national, regional, and international engagement of the World Bank-supported WACA Program.

Approved date2023-03-27
RegionSub-Saharan Africa