Building PPP Institutional Support in Madagascar

The goal of this programmatic support is to help the Government of Madagascar in its effort to set up a PPP program that would facilitate private investment. By strengthening its legislative, institutional, financial and technical aspects of the PPP framework, Madagascar will be in a better position to more effectively develop and implement PPPs. Thus, Madagascar will be able to benefit from increased private investments in infrastructure, increased employment opportunities, improved service delivery to enterprises and the population in general, and an improved fiscal impact on Government.

The objectives for this program are to:

  • Strengthen the legal and institutional framework for PPPs;
  • Improve the capacity of PPP institutions through the development of guidelines for the PPP Unit, the Ministry of Finance (MoF) PPP Directorate, the Comité National and the whole of the PPP program and capacity building and awareness creation; and
  • Support the development of PPP projects via the identification of the pipeline of projects and the establishment of frameworks for funding for project preparation.
RegionSub-Saharan Africa