Partnering to deliver training on Private Participation in Infrastructure Development and Project Finance

01 August 2014
Dissemination of knowledge and capacity building is one of the most important parts of the PPIAF strategy. In addition to the grants PPIAF provides to develop knowledge products on PPPs and capacity building activities, PPIAF team partners with training institutions such as the International Law Institute (ILI) to deliver training to clients. On August 13, 2014, PPIAF team joined instructors from ILI to contribute to the training on “private participation in infrastructure development and project finance” which was attended by about 35 participants from developing countries. One of the

Dissemination of knowledge and capacity building is one of the most important parts of the PPIAF strategy. In addition to the grants PPIAF provides to develop knowledge products on PPPs and capacity building activities, PPIAF team partners with training institutions such as the International Law Institute (ILI) to deliver training to clients.

On August 13, 2014, PPIAF team joined instructors from ILI to contribute to the training on “private participation in infrastructure development and project finance” which was attended by about 35 participants from developing countries. One of the components of this training was on how to negotiate contentious clauses, including how to make a concession bankable.

The presentation from the PPIAF team gave an overview of Bankability with a focus on the basics, issues and an interactive case study. The interactive case study gave the participants a chance to role play the position of a bidder and Interact with a public authority, a private equity investor and a banker to develop a bid. Teams were given project preparation documents and instructions on how to prepare the bid and they had to figure out the optimal risk allocation in putting together the bid.

The role playing opportunity gave the participants a chance to explore how other partners look at projects during the bidding process. It emphasized the need to balance different parties’ needs and priorities to make the project successful. The participants rated this experience highly and appreciated the practical experience and delivery mode of the presentation.