How can Countries Use Public Infrastructure Funds? Report Shares Global Best Practices

30 January 2021
How can Countries Use Public Infrastructure Funds? Report Shares Global Best Practices
Many countries tap into public funds to meet the financing needs of infrastructure projects. But until now, it has been hard to find good, relevant information on how best to use public resources to leverage private financing through Public Infrastructure Funds, or PIFs. With support from PPIAF, the World Bank launched areport, Global Review of Public Infrastructure Funds – Volume I, to meet this urgent need. Through case studies from across the globe, the report provides information and shares knowledge demonstrating the use of public resources for financing infrastructure development.

Many countries tap into public funds to meet the financing needs of infrastructure projects. But until now, it has been hard to find good, relevant information on how best to use public resources to leverage private financing through Public Infrastructure Funds, or PIFs.

With support from PPIAF, the World Bank launched areport, Global Review of Public Infrastructure Funds – Volume I, to meet this urgent need. Through case studies from across the globe, the report provides information and shares knowledge demonstrating the use of public resources for financing infrastructure development. These case studies provide lessons learned in a variety of relevant topics, including design features, governance structures, institutional capacities, availability and types of financing products, and appropriate uses of PIFs.

Detailed write-ups of each case study are included as a complementary Volume II to this report.

Click here to download a PDF of the report.