Asian Cities: Climate Focus Needed in Capital Investment Planning

20 June 2016
video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player PPIAF in partnership with the the World Bank's Low-Carbon Livable Cities Initiative, the C40 Network, the Korea Development Institute (KDI) and the Korean Green Growth Trust Fund (KGGTF), organized the second City Creditworthiness Academy held in Seoul, South Korea, on April 21-26, 2014. The five-day workshop brought together a total of 39 mayors, city officials, and technical experts representing 15 cities and provinces from 12 countries across Asia.

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PPIAF in partnership with the the World Bank's Low-Carbon Livable Cities Initiative, the C40 Network, the Korea Development Institute (KDI) and the Korean Green Growth Trust Fund (KGGTF), organized the second City Creditworthiness Academy held in Seoul, South Korea, on April 21-26, 2014. The five-day workshop brought together a total of 39 mayors, city officials, and technical experts representing 15 cities and provinces from 12 countries across Asia.

The workshop was designed to help cities improve their finances and access to capital so they can deliver better services and invest in low-carbon development. Participants of the first workshop held in Nairobi last year, said they lacked access to technical assistance for planning climate-related infrastructure projects and structuring long-term finance options. In response, the Seoul workshop expanded its program with a new session on climate-smart capital investment planning. For the full story and video click here.