COVID-19 and Public-Private Partnerships Practice Note (Executive Summary)

Assessing Operational PPP Portfolios
Published: 2021
Last Updated: 26 Jul 2024

The COVID-19 pandemic will continue to impact infrastructure projects around the globe in all sectors as supply chains are disrupted, customer demand falls, and health regulations force a change in the way business is conducted. Infrastructure projects delivered through public-private partnerships (PPPs) make them more challenging to deal with because of long-term contractual commitments made between counterparties, including third-party lenders and investors.

This note discusses key operational considerations when trying to maintain services during the COVID-19 crisis and recalibrating the PPP project in the short term. It builds on early lessons from the pandemic response and provides general guidance that could assist governments when assessing their policy and legal options for addressing COVID-19 impacts on PPP projects that are already underway.

This note focuses only on a process for assessing individual PPP projects that are in the operational stage. Similar practice notes are being developed to provide insights into the impact of COVID-19 on other aspects of PPPs.

This is the Executive Summary, please, access the full version of the Practice Note here.

Document TypeBriefs
File TypePDF
KeywordsCOVID-19, pandemic
ContributorsPPIAF, World Bank Group (WBG)
