Guidebook for Economic and Financial Analysis of Regional Electricity Projects

Pan-Arab Regional Energy Trade Platform (PA-RETP)
Published: 2019
Last Updated: 26 Jul 2024
Author:Dr. Peter Meier

Economic and financial analysis provides the bridge between the identification of technical options and the development of bankable interconnection project proposals to facilitate cross-border electricity trade. The overarching goal of this guidebook is to document a methodology for economic and financial analysis of potential investments to facilitate regional electricity trade, which serves to inform decision-makers on policy choices, and subsequently to inform the detailed project appraisal. This guidebook has been prepared as part of the work program of the Pan Arab Regional Electricity Trade Platform (PA-RETP).

Document TypeTools & guidelines
File TypePDF
ContributorsPPIAF, World Bank Group (WBG)
RegionsMiddle East & North Africa
