Unlocking Land Values to Finance Urban Infrastructure

Published: 2009
Last Updated: 26 Jul 2024
Author:George E. Peterson
Land-based financing of urban infrastructure is growing in importance in the developing world. Why is it so difficult to finance urban infrastructure investment, when land values typically increase by more than the cost of investment? Unlocking Land Values to Finance Urban Infrastructure examines the theory underlying different instruments of land-based finance, such as betterment levies, developer exactions, impact fees, and the exchange of publicly owned land assets for infrastructure. It provides a wealth of case-study illustrations of how different land-based financing tools have been implemented, and the lessons learned from these experiences. This practical guide is designed to help expand the role of land based financing in urban capital budgets in a way that strengthens urban infrastructure finance and urban land markets. Much of this practical application involves innovative use of public-private partnerships. In fact, land-related finance may represent the biggest opportunity for private partnerships within the sphere of urban infrastructure investment. The case studies presented in this book illustrate the variety of ways in which the public and private sectors have interacted to make such financing work.
File TypePDF
Keywordurbanization, sub-sovereign financing


La plusvalía de la tierra como opción para el financiamiento de la infraestructura urbana está cobrando importancia creciente en el mundo en desarrollo. ¿Por qué es tan difícil financiar las inversiones en infraestructura urbana, cuando los valores de las tierras por lo general aumentan a un ritmo mayor que el costo de la inversión? En La plusvalía de la tierra como opción para el financiamiento de la infraestructura urbana se analiza la teoría en que se apoyan los distintos instrumentos de financiamiento basado en el valor de la tierra, como el impuesto a la plusvalía, las exacciones a los urbanizadores, los cargos por impacto y el intercambio de tierras fiscales por infraestructura. En este trabajo se incluyen numerosos estudios de casos que ilustran de qué modo se han aplicado los distintos instrumentos para este tipo de financiamiento y las enseñanzas derivadas de estas experiencias. Esta guía práctica ha sido diseñada para contribuir a que el financiamiento basado en la recuperación de plusvalías tenga una mayor presencia en los presupuestos de capital de las ciudades, de modo de fortalecer la inversión en obras de infraestructura y los mercados de suelo urbano. Gran parte de esta aplicación práctica supone recurrir en forma creativa a las asociaciones público-privadas. Los estudios de casos que se presentan en este libro muestran las diversas formas en que ambos sectores han interactuado para que esta forma de financiamiento surta efecto.
Le financement d’infrastructures urbaines à partir du foncier prend de l’importance dans les pays en développement. Pourquoi est-il si difficile de financer des investissements d’infrastructure urbaine lorsque l’augmentation de la valeur des terrains est généralement supérieure au coût des investissements ? L’ouvrage intitulé « Exploiter la valeur du foncier pour financer les infrastructures urbaines » examine la théorie qui sous-tend divers instruments de financement par le foncier, tels que les prélèvements sur les plus-values, les contributions des promoteurs, les taxes sur l’impact et l’échange de biens fonciers publics contre des infrastructures. À l’aide de nombreuses études de cas, l’ouvrage montre comment les instruments de financement basé sur le foncier ont été mis en oeuvre et décrit les enseignements tirés de ces expériences. Ce guide pratique vise à accroître le rôle du financement reposant sur le foncier dans les budgets d’équipement des villes de manière à renforcer le financement des infrastructures urbaines et les marchés fonciers urbains. Une grande partie de ces applications pratiques se caractérisent par une utilisation innovante des partenariats public-privé. Les études de cas mentionnées dans le présent ouvrage illustrent la diversité des méthodes utilisées par les secteurs public et privé pour faire fonctionner ensemble ce type de financement.
The Arabic translation of the unlocking land values. Land-based financing of urban infrastructure is growing in importance in the developing world. Why is it so difficult to finance urban infrastructure investment, when land values typically increase by more than the cost of investment? Unlocking Land Values to Finance Urban Infrastructure examines the theory underlying different instruments of land-based finance, such as betterment levies, developer exactions, impact fees, and the exchange of publicly owned land assets for infrastructure. It provides a wealth of case-study illustrations of how different land-based financing tools have been implemented, and the lessons learned from these experiences. This practical guide is designed to help expand the role of land based financing in urban capital budgets in a way that strengthens urban infrastructure finance and urban land markets. Much of this practical application involves innovative use of public-private partnerships. In fact, land-related finance may represent the biggest opportunity for private partnerships within the sphere of urban infrastructure investment. The case studies presented in this book illustrate the variety of ways in which the public and private sectors have interacted to make such financing work.
The Chinese translation of the unlocking land values. Land-based financing of urban infrastructure is growing in importance in the developing world. Why is it so difficult to finance urban infrastructure investment, when land values typically increase by more than the cost of investment? Unlocking Land Values to Finance Urban Infrastructure examines the theory underlying different instruments of land-based finance, such as betterment levies, developer exactions, impact fees, and the exchange of publicly owned land assets for infrastructure. It provides a wealth of case-study illustrations of how different land-based financing tools have been implemented, and the lessons learned from these experiences. This practical guide is designed to help expand the role of land based financing in urban capital budgets in a way that strengthens urban infrastructure finance and urban land markets. Much of this practical application involves innovative use of public-private partnerships. In fact, land-related finance may represent the biggest opportunity for private partnerships within the sphere of urban infrastructure investment. The case studies presented in this book illustrate the variety of ways in which the public and private sectors have interacted to make such financing work.