Value-for-Money Analysis-Practices and Challenges

How Governments Choose When to Use PPP to Deliver Public Infrastructure and Services
Published: 2013
Last Updated: 26 Jul 2024

A growing number of developing country governments are interested in using Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) to provide public infrastructure assets and services. This Reference Guide exists to help them. Specifically, it aims to help government officials to understand the basics of PPPs, how to establish a sound PPP framework, and how to implement PPP projects. A substantial body of knowledge on PPPs has been built up by practitioners in governments, the private sector, international institutions, academics and advisors. This Reference Guide guides for government officials through the body of knowledge. It introduces key topics on PPP, sets out options, and directs readers to examples, and key references where they can find out more. The Reference Guide is the user-interface for the body of knowledge, setting out the key topics and issues, providing an overview, and letting the interested practitioner know where to go to learn more.

Document TypeCo-Sponsored Publication
File TypePDF
Keywordssample PPP agreements
TopicsValue for Money (VFM), Fiscal Risks
ContributorsWorld Bank Group (WBG), PPIAF
