Caribbean Infrastructure PPP Roadmap

Published: 2014
Last Updated: 19 Sep 2024
Author:PPIAF, World Bank

Experience with PPPs to date in the Caribbean has been mixed. PPPs are not new in the region, having been used to deliver new or improved roads, ports, airports, bulk water treatment facilities, and electricity generation plants. Many PPP projects have operated successfully for years, delivering high-quality infrastructure facilities. Others have faced challenges. In many cases, the complexity of the PPP development and implementation process has meant long delays in delivering projects; others resulted in questionable value or unexpected costs to governments or consumers. This raises a question: How can Caribbean governments successfully navigate the challenges to make the best use of PPPs to deliver improved infrastructure assets and services? This ÒCaribbean Infrastructure PPP RoadmapÓ seeks to answer this question. It reviews the outlook for PPPs in the region, by: identifying PPP project opportunities in 11 Caribbean countries; constraints or barriers to successful development of those projects, based on previous experience; and possible actions to overcome these constraints. The Roadmap was developed by the World Bank Group, with inputs from Caribbean governments, private investors, and other development partners, and with support from the PPIAF.

Document TypeLessons
File TypePDF
TopicsFunding, Governance
ContributorsWorld Bank Group (WBG), PPIAF
RegionsLatin America & Caribbean
