ZAMBIA: Program to Improve the Commercial Viability of the Lusaka Water and Sewerage Company - Component A - Activities 1-5

SNTA undertook an assessment of the company and consulted with donors and stakeholders working in the urban water and sanitation sector in Zambia, to develop a multi-year TA program. The program comprised two components: Component A focused upon improving the commercial viability of LWSC. Upon the start of the program, SNTA supported LWSC to obtain a (shadow) credit rating, with the intention that progress during subsequent years will be measured against this rating. Program activities cover the subjects of governance and cost recovery; include hands-on support for implementing staff performance contracts and for strengthening the company’s balance sheet; and, comprise an analysis of financing options for developing priority sewerage infrastructure (as designed in the MCC supported Master Plan).

The PPIAF-SNTA activity was aimed at supporting the long-term sustainability of the Lusaka Water and Sewerage Company (LWSC) operations by ensuring that financial management best practices and operational improvements are systematically adopted with the ultimate goal of allowing LWSC to qualify for private investments. This was achieved through improving the Commercial Viability of LWSC and strengthening institutional capacity to attract investments in WSS infrastructure.

Approved date2014-01-16
RegionSub-Saharan Africa

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Performance Contracts For Lusaka Water And Sewerage Company - Zambia