WHAT WE DO / COUNTRIES / Middle East & North Africa /DETAIL

MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA: Maghreb Infrastructure Diagnostic (MID)

The Maghreb Infrastructure Diagnostic (MID) focuses on Morocco and Tunisia. The sectors covered are energy, ICT, transports (airports, ports, railways, and roads), energy and water and sanitation. A series of background papers inform the final reports for each country, which are structured as follows:

I: Stylized facts and contribution of infrastructure to economic growth and poverty reduction
 Stylized facts of energy, transport, water, and ICT sectors
 Contribution of infrastructures to economic growth
 Poverty related indicators for infrastructure access
II: Infrastructure investment and spending needs; assessment of mode of delivery (public vs private)
 Investment needs for infrastructure
 Infrastructure expenditure review
 PPP assessment
 Sector performance, efficiency of State Owned Enterprises, regulation, and competition
 Governance and the political economy of infrastructure sector reforms
 The potential for commercial financing
III: Challenges and recommendations
 Key challenges affecting each country's infrastructure sectors, including cross-cutting and sector specific issues
 Impacts of climate change on future infrastructure needs
 SOE reform agenda
 Recommendations for attracting private sector investment

Approved date2017-10-11
RegionMiddle East & North Africa

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Tunisia Infrastructure Diagnostic report


Revue des infrastructures au Maroc