JORDAN: Amman Bus Rapid Transit Phase II

The Greater Amman Municipality has a rapidly growing population of over 4 million. However, it faces severe mobility and accessibility challenges. The city has only 0.88 buses per 1000 people, far below global averages. Recognizing the need for adequate public transportation, the government of Jordan is making significant efforts to enhance the public transportation system. The World Bank is providing support through the Amman BRT Phase II project. PPIAF is contributing to this initiative by funding pre-feasibility and institutional assessments, including recommendations, that will eventually help with the design and procurement of a PPP to harness private sector capital and operational expertise. These recommendations will be key to implementing the project and improve mobility through increased quality public transport options. With Jordan's government committed to reforming and upgrading public transportation, PPIAF's support in assessing and structuring Phase II of the Amman BRT system will enable critical private sector participation that will provide much-needed mass transit access across Greater Amman Municipality.

Approved date2021-06-17
RegionMiddle East & North Africa