HAITI: Support to carry out a diagnostic of private sector involvement in the urban transport sector

As urbanization surges in Cap-Haitien, Haiti, the need for efficient transportation is becoming increasingly critical. However, the city's urban transport system is highly disorganized and chaotic, dominated by unregulated private operators of minibusses, moto-taxis, and three-wheelers. This results in substantial losses in terms of time, reliability, congestion, safety, and environmental impacts and places a heavy burden on operators. To address these issues, a PPIAF-funded study recommended creating a transport cooperative to unite operators, streamline services, mitigate risks, protect small operators, reduce conflicts, and enable shared investments. Recommendations include essential infrastructure development; fleet renewal for safer, eco-friendly transport; the adoption of intelligent systems like GPS, apps, and cashless payments to enhance efficiency and security; and prioritizing inclusivity and accessibility. This approach is expected to transform Cap-Haitien's urban transportation system through improved efficiency, accessibility, and safety. The findings have already enhanced the government's understanding of the challenges and informed the ongoing lending project aimed at improving Cap-Haitien's urban transport.

Approved date2021-06-29
RegionLatin America & Caribbean