FIJI: Infrastructure Development for the post-COVID Tourism Recovery project

The proposed activities focus on two critical analytical reports that will underpin the design of the Fiji Infrastructure Development for the post-COVID Tourism Recovery project. These are:

  • Assess Options for Increased Air Access.
  • Identification and Scoping Analysis for Potential PPP Investments in Essential Infrastructure Facilities.
  • CREST Support on Climate Impact Assessments for Potential Infrastructure PPP Investments including Nature-based solutions (NBS) for tourism attraction investment. 

The reports will provide a detailed analysis of the geospatial options, cost-benefit, environmental, and private sector engagement modalities for both connectivity and essential services investments. They will provide specific and detailed recommendations on the priority connectivity and essential service investments in Vanua Levu that will stimulate and cater to new tourism demand while building and enhancing services for the local populations. Recommendations will focus on opportunities to leverage PPPs and mobilize private capital through concessions and joint ventures where possible.

Approved date2022-02-15
SectorTransport, Energy, Water
RegionEast Asia & Pacific