ESWATINI: Scaling Up Renewable Energy and Closing the Access Gap

This assignment's objective is to assess the market for off-grid solar and enable PSP in solar-based off-grid power systems.

The study aims to fill the knowledge gap regarding the current and potential uses of off-grid solar systems and how market barriers might be overcome to accelerate growth.

This will be accomplished through the completion of four tasks:

i) Conduct assessments of the current state of access and the enabling market environment, including the review of trade conditions for renewable energy equipment at a regional and national level and summarize all applicable policies and provide recommendations for adapting or updating policies;
ii) Describe and quantify demand and supply for solar lanterns, off-grid solar systems for households, private enterprises and public bodies, productive use products, and mini-grids. This process should also include detailed mapping of willingness and capacity to pay and demand;
iii) Assess the level, capability, and willingness of existing financial institutions (Commercial Banks, micro-finance institutions, etc.) to provide financing to private off-grid companies or consumers;
iv) Based on i), ii), and iii), suggest mechanisms on incentivizing the private sector or other existing distribution channels like telecommunication, fast-moving consumer goods companies, etc., to enter or expand off-grid solar. A summary of existing and planned development partner activities along with suggestions on how to complement these activities should be provided.

Approved date2020-10-01
RegionSub-Saharan Africa