CHAD: Institutional, Process and Capacity Review to Facilitate PPPs

In 2015, PPAIF approved a grant to support the Government of chad in conducting a PPP diagnostic study to provide guidance for the Government of Chad on the development and implementation of its PPP program, covering the transport, electricity, telecommunications, and water sectors. PPIAF provided support to: assess the status and performance of the selected infrastructure sectors; assess the policy and institutional environment for involving the private sector in these sectors, and assist policy makers in framing the required strategies to increase private sector participation in these sectors. The support helped identified institutional and legal barriers that are preventing the PPP program in Chad from moving forward. The report proposed recommendations to improve the legal, regulatory and institutional framework.

As part of the pipeline development, five pilot projects were identified among the 13 potential projects including (i) Djarmaya and Kumra Livestock Feeding Plants; (ii) the Bongor Abattoir; (iii) the Construction of a power plant and transmission network for the urban area of ​​Doba;(iv) Management of the Water utility and (v) Construction and operation of bus stations in four Cities_ N’Djamena, Abéché, Moundou and Sahr. The support included series of workshop to kick start building the capacity of relevant Government officials.

Approved date2014-12-29
RegionSub-Saharan Africa

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Appui au programme PPP du Tchad