CAMBODIA: Fostering private sector participation in the road sector

The PPIAF technical assistance “Cambodia: Fostering Private Sector Participation (PSP) in the Road Sector” is part of a $270 million World Bank Group engagement in the transport sector in Cambodia, which aims to increase PSP in road construction and maintenance through the implementation of output and performance-based road contracts (OPBRC). Specifically, the PPIAF grant is comprised of two components: (i) the review of the regulatory framework and associated policy options for the roadside rest and service areas (RRSA) private sector, and (ii) technical capacity building necessary for implementation and management of OPBRCs. 
As part of this intervention, an RRSA study and survey were conducted, where gender aspects were among the key considerations in provision of services to road users. A mix of ASEAN and global examples have also been reviewed as international benchmarks to provide perspectives on how different countries have approached RRSA development. The survey results were disaggregated by gender and found that the majority of low-skilled workers employed in the Cambodia RRSAs are female. Moreover, the study found that female drivers and passengers who use the RRSA are more sensitive to the safety of the RRSAs.
As a result, the study recommended that gender aspects be considered in (i) the planning and service design to improve the personal safety of roadside service and facility users, (ii) the gender-informed solutions for long-distance drivers, families, children, and caregivers and their associated RRSA facility needs; and (iii) measures to enhance benefit accrual from increased private financing of RRSAs to women and local communities. These efforts will support gender inclusivity and community engagement in road sector investments and improve services to all groups of road users. 

Approved date2020-02-28
RegionEast Asia & Pacific

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