BOLIVIA: MFD Development

Transport freight logistics and urban mobility are two important areas of development in Bolivia. The Bank provided advisory and analytical support to the government of Bolivia on these two sectors, in particular by analyzing opportunities to promote the participation of the Bolivian private sector in the development of projects and mobilization of recourses in these fields. The experience and global knowledge generated with PPIAF funds and mobilized for this task were key to support the dialogue of the Bank with government counterparts.
The activity consisted of two sub-activities:
• Diagnosis of the Logistics sector from the private sector perspective
This activity aimed to identify opportunities to boost investments in logistics to support employment generation and domestic resource mobilization; and to provide a common basis and recommendations to support the elaboration of the WBG’s Country Private Sector Diagnostics (CPSD) for Bolivia.
• Technical Assistance to the Municipalities of La Paz and Santa Cruz
This activity aimed to support the municipalities of La Paz and Santa Cruz in the development of bike-share systems with private participation and the improvement of provision of transit services as a whole.
The products of this activity highlight the potential for involvement of the Bolivian private sector in the development and financing of freight transport logistics investments in the country. The analytical work allowed to draw up a list of recommendations to take advantage of this potential involvement in the transport sector, which have been integrated into the CPSD.
In addition, it confirmed the relevance of mobilizing the private sector for the implementation of integral and sustainable mobility solutions in the urban areas of La Paz and Santa Cruz. Notably, the implementation of a bike-share system in both cities has a great potential to be explored in the next years.
This activity has generated great opportunities to put forward the urban transport agenda in La Paz and Santa Cruz and to advance on the national logistics dialogue.

Approved date2020-01-28
RegionLatin America & Caribbean

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