
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

  AAA    American Arbitration Association
  ADB     Asian Development Bank
  ADR    Alternative Dispute Resolution
  ADSCR    Annual Debt Service Coverage Ratio
  AFIDB (either ADB or AfDB)    African Development Bank
  AHP    Analytical Hierarchy Process
  ARI    Accounting Rate of Interest
  ATP    Ability to Pay
  BAFO    Best and Final Offer
  BBO    Buy, Build, Operate
  BCIE    Central American Bank for Economic Integration
  BDO    Build, Develop, Operate
  BLT    Build, Lease, Transfer
  BOAD    Banque Ouest Africaine de Développement (West African Development Bank)
  BOO    Build, Own, Operate
  BOOT    Build, Own, Operate, Transfer
  BOT    Build, Own, Transfer
  BROT    Build, Rehabilitate, Operate, Transfer
  BTO    Build, Transfer, Operate
  CA    Contracting Agencies
  CAF    Corporacion Andina de Fomento (Andean Development Bank)
  CAPM    Capital Asset Pricing Model
  CBA    Cost Benefit Analysis
  CDA    Comprehensive Development Agreements (US)
  CMU    Contract Management Unit
  CPI    Consumer Price Index
  CPM    Critical Path Method
  COFACE    Compagnie Française d'Assurance pour le Commerce Extérieur (French Export Credit Agency)
  CVISN    Commercial Vehicle Information Systems Networks
  DBFO    Design, Build, Finance, Operate
  DBO    Design, Build, Operate
  DFID    Department for International Development (UK)
  DRB    Dispute Review Board
  DSRC    Dedicated Short Range Communication
  DSCR    Debt Service Cover Ratio
  EBIT    Earnings before interest and taxes
  EBITDA    Earnings before interest and taxes, depreciation and amortization
  EBRD    European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
  EC    European Community
  ECA    Export Credit Agency
  ECICS    Export Credit Insurance Corporation of Singapore
  ECJ    European Court of Justice
  ECGD    Exports Credits Guarantee Department of the United Kingdom
  EDC    Export Development Corporation (Canadian Export Credit Agency)
  EDF    European Development Fund
  EFE    Economic Financial Equilibrium
  EIA    Environmental Impact Assessment
  EIB    European Investment Bank
  EIC    Economic Investment Cost
  EIRR    Economic Internal Rate of Return
  EIS    Environmental Impact Statement
  EKN    Exportkreditnamden (Swedish trade finance agency)
  EPC    Engineering Procurement and Construction
  ERG    ERG Geschaftsstelle fur die Export-risikogarantic. (Export Credit Agency in Switzerland)
ESCAP  United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
  ETC    Electronic Toll Collection
  EU    European Union
  FHWA    Federal Highway Administration (US)
  FIC    Financial Investment Cost
  FIDIC    Fédération Internationale des Ingénieurs Conseils
  FIRR    Financial Internal Rate of Return
  FOREX    Foreign Exchange
  FS    Feasibility Study
  GDP    Gross Domestic Product
  GNI    Gross National Income
  GOI    Government of Indonesia
  GPS    Global Positioning System
  HA    Highway Authority
  HDM    Highway Development and Management
  HOV    High Occupancy Vehicle (lane)
  HRD    Human Resource Development
  HTF    Highway Trust Fund (US)
  IADB    Inter-American Development Bank
  IBRD    International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
  ICC    International Chamber of Commerce
  ICSIC    International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes
  IDB    Islamic Development Bank
  IEE    Initial Environmental Examination
  IFC    International Finance Corporation (World Bank Group)
  IFI    International Financial Institutions
  IIC    Inter-American Investment Corporation
  IIFCL    India Infrastructure Financing Company limited
  IMF    International Monetary Fund
  IPR    Intellectual Property Rights
IRAP  International Road Assessment Programme
  IRF    International Road Federation
  IRC    Internal Revenue Code.
  IRMS    Indonesian Road Management System
  IRR    Internal Rate of Return.
  ISO    International Standard Organization
  ISOHDM    International Study of Highway Development and Management
  ISPA    Instrument for Structural Policies for Pre-Accession
  ITS    Intelligent Transport system
  ITT    Invitation to tender (see also RFP)
JBIC  Japan Bank for International Cooperation
  JV    Joint Venture
  KHC    Korea Highway Corporation
  LGTT    Loan Guarantee for TEN-Transport
  LLC    Limited Liability Company
  LLC    Local Labor Company
  LLCR    Loan Life Coverage Ratio
  LOI    Letter of Invitation
  LOS    Level of Service
  MCA    Model Concession Agreement
  MCA    Multi Criteria Analysis
  MF    Model Firm
  MIGA    Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
  MOF    Ministry of Finance
  MOT    Ministry of Transport
  MPW    Ministry of Public Works
  MRG    Minimum Revenue Guarantee
  MRL    Maximizing Revenue Level
  NAO    National Audit Office (UK)
  NHAI    National Highway Authority of India
  NHDP    National Highway Development Program
  NIBOR    New York Interbank Rate (equivalent to Libor)
  NMT    Non-Motorized Transport
  NPV    Net Present Value
  OBU    On Board Unit
  OCC    Opportunity Cost of Capital
  OECD or OCDE    Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development
  OCR    Optical Character Recognition
  OD or O-D    Origin Destination
  OLC    Other non-Labor Local Component
  O&M    Operation and Maintenance
  OPRC    Output and Performance based road contracts
  PBC    Performance Based Contract
  PERT    Program Evaluation and Review Technique
  PFI    Private Financing Investment/ Private Finance Initiative
  PFP    Privately Financed projects
  PIARC (AIPRC)    World Road Association
  PICKO    Private Infrastructure Investment Centre of Korea (which is become PIMAC)
  PLCR    Project Life Cover Ratio
  PMMR    Performance-based Maintenance and Management Road
  PMS    Pavement Monitoring System
  PPIAF    Public-Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (World Bank Group)
  PPI    Private Participation in Infrastructure
  PPP    Public-Private Partnership
  PPPAC    Public-Private Partnership Appraisal Committee
  PSC    Public Sector Comparator
  PSP    Private Sector Participation
  PRS    Poverty Reduction Strategy
  PV    Present Value
  RF    Real Firm
  RFP    Request for Proposals
  RFQ    Request for Qualifications
  RIA    Regulatory Impact Assessment
  RLT    Rehabilitate, Lease, Transfer
  RMA    Regional Mobility Authorities (US)
  RMI    Road Maintenance Initiative
  RMU    Risk Management Unit
  ROA    Return on assets.
  ROE    Return on equity.
  ROI    Return on investment.
  ROT    Rehabilitate, Operate, Transfer
  RPI    Retail Price Index
  SAL    Socially Acceptable Level
  SCBA    Social Cost Benefit Analysis
  SCF    Standard Conversion Factors
  SPC    Special Purpose Company
  SPV    Special Project Vehicle
SSATP  Sub-Saharan Africa Transport Policy Program
  SWR   Shadow Wage Rage
  TA    Technical Assistance
  TC    Tax Component
  TP    Transport Paper
  UNCITRAL    United Nations Commission on International Trade Law
  UNIDO    United Nations Industrial Development Organization
  VAR    Value at Risk
  VAT    Value Added tax
  VFM    Value for Money
  VGF    Viability Gap Fund
  VOC    Vehicle Operating Costs
  WAAC or WACC    Weighted Average Cost of Capital
WB  World Bank
  WBS    Work Breakdown Structure
  WHD    Western High speed Diameter
  WP    Working Paper
  WTP    Willingness to Pay