Case Study : SRI LANKA

The city problems
This table collates the information on the basis of the different categories of problem identified, and brings together the different ways in which the problem has been addressed in different countries


Problem issue


Problem source

Actions taken

Reforms proposed

Sri Lanka

High budget cost


Inefficient publicly owned operators

Committee to review company operations

Commercialization.Phased program of franchise tendering

Poor operator behavior


Fragmentation of ownership

“Combined timetables”

Move to contracted services.

Poor targeting of subsidies


Channeling solely through public enterprises

Some tendering of school service schedules

Competitive tendering of all subsidized service

High accident rates


Fragmentation of ownership. On the road competition


Introduction of competition for the mareket

Loss of social services


Decline of public sector operators

Some tendering by NTC

Comprehensive tendering of services

Inefficient despatching


Fragmentation of supply

“Combined timetables”

Move to service contracts

Poor customer empowerment


Poor enforcement of law on public companies

NTC complaints procedures

Enforcement of contracts

Low vehicle utilization


Excessive issue of permits to private operators

Moratorium on new permits

Competitive tendering of all services


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The reforms proposed
This table categorizes the information in terms of the types of reform proposed, setting out the actions already taken and the degree of success achieved.

Reforms proposed

Problem issue addressed


Actions taken

Success achieved

Competitive tendering

Poor vehicle utilization
Loss of social services
Bad operator behavior




Tendering limited at present to school and some unremunerative services


Pilot promising
Extended application not yet decided on.


Complaints systems

Poor operator behavior


Regulatory authority hotline


Minimum operator size conditions

Poor operator behavior
Inappropriate despatching


Proposed but not implemented


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The influence of industrial structure
This table examines the relationship between the industrial structure in the different cities and the types of problems arising.

Industrial structure


Problem issue

Problem source

Reforms proposed

State owned enterprise

Sri Lanka

Low efficiency            
Failure to provide social services

Lack of financial discipline


Small scale formal private operators

Sri Lanka

Bad operator behavior
Low vehicle utilization

Excess of permissions
Self regulated despatching