Case Study : RECIFE

The city problems
This table collates the information on the basis of the different categories of problem identified, and brings together the different ways in which the problem has been addressed in different countries


Problem issue


Problem source

Actions taken

Reforms proposed


Low speeds


Road congestion Excessive number of “combis”

Banning of combis in center

Franchising for combis

Poor integration with metro

G p31

Institutional separation


Formation of metropolitan agency

Decreasing demand for buses

G p31

Loss of market to combis

Ban on combis


Institutional competition

G p31

Division of power among local government units


Formation of metropolitan agency

Financing of metro concession


Inability to develop rail profit base

Rail system transfer to state delayed

Integration of rail in gross cost concession


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The reforms proposed
This table categorizes the information in terms of the types of reform proposed, setting out the actions already taken and the degree of success achieved.

< <

Reforms proposed

Problem issue addressed


Actions taken

Success achieved

Create metropolitan authority

Integration of modes
Jurisdictional conflict


“Consortium” team established. Laws passed

Not yet operational

Bans on informal sector

Congestion; declining demand for large buses


Accompanied by compensation scheme

Effective, but public reaction mixed

Fare integration between modes







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The influence of industrial structure
This table examines the relationship between the industrial structure in the different cities and the types of problems arising.

Industrial structure


Problem issue

Problem source

Reforms proposed

Large scale formal private operators


Lack of competitive pressure

Grandfathered operating rights

Competitive tendering of franchises