Case Study : BANKOK

The city problems
This table collates the information on the basis of the different categories of problem identified, and brings together the different ways in which the problem has been addressed in different countries


Problem issue


Problem source

Actions taken

Reforms proposed


Long journey times


Road congestion
Indirect routings
No regulatory review of routings
Low ave. bus size

Bus lanes
Legalization of commuter vans

Limit on route length
Competitive tender of franchises
Busway program

High budget cost


BMTA inefficiency
High leasing costs
Strong BMTA union

Bus leasing
Contract out maintenance

Creation of BRTA Privatization of operations
Competitive tender of franchises

Loss of low fare basic service


Low fare control
BMTA inefficiency


BMTA to cease operation
Competitive tender of franchises

Poor integration with metro


Separation of regulatory responsibility

BTS right to provide feeders

Creation of multimodal authority BRTA

Poor service quality

M 56

Regulatory chaos

Legalization of commuter vans

Competitive tender of franchises

Air pollution

M 56

Poor vehicle maintenance

Annual vehicle inspection

Reform inspection procedures
Competitive tender of franchises

Bad driving behavior


Fragmentation of sub-contract service Poor regulation


Competitive tender of franchises



Police harassment of vans
Inspection regime
Lease / maintenance contracting

Legalization of commuter vans

Competitive tender of franchises


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The reforms proposed
This table categorizes the information in terms of the types of reform proposed, setting out the actions already taken and the degree of success achieved.

Reforms proposed

Problem issue addressed


Actions taken

Success achieved

Create metropolitan authority

Lack of modal integration



Not yet implemented



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The influence of industrial structure
This table examines the relationship between the industrial structure in the different cities and the types of problems arising.

Industrial structure


Problem issue

Problem source

Reforms proposed

State owned enterprise



Low efficiency

Lack of financial discipline

Competitve tendering of franchises

Medium scale formal private operators
